During my recent trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, I had the pleasure to visit Mountain Athlete. What an incredible experience! Much of my training methodologies have been inspired by Mountain Athlete and I will continue to hone my training to mimic their programming in the future. Before I get too far, if you aren’t familiar with Mountain Athlete, visit their site and browse around. Much of…
Climbing in the Tetons

On October 6th, Gaelyn and I officially tied the knot! She is now my climbing partner for life (awwwww…). The following eight days were spent in Jackson Hole, The Tetons, and Yellowstone area. In short, the trip was spectacular, but one highlight for us was going climbing in the Tetons. The climbing in the Tetons is not what we are used to. Typically long approaches lead to long,…
Sometimes You Get Crushed
This past weekend, I met my friends, Greg and Jamie, down at the New River Gorge. The weather was the best we’ve had this year. On Saturday, we spent the day at South Side Crags, starting at Area 51, then moving down to The Other Place
Instant Gratification (11b), Accusing the Innocent (10d), My First Eleven (11b), Unnamed (8)
On Sunday, we were met with perfect temps which means only…
A Labor Day Hurricane

With Hurricane Isaac fast approaching, we knew there was a strong possibility of us getting very wet this past weekend at the New River Gorge. Regardless, we decided to press on! With a three day weekend due to Labor Day, we took advantage and headed to the New with no expectations of good climbing weather. But hey, Fayetteville is awesome and we knew we could hang out in various loca…
Train Technique or Train Strength
Lately, there’s been a lot of discussion on the interwebs if climbers should focus on technique training, or strength training. Much of this talk was spawned from the Sean McColl training video, which shows him doing many supplementary exercises. McColl is no stranger to high level competition, so obviously he’s doing something right. Notice the something in italics… we’ll get to…
Mild, Mid-August
This past weekend, sales I took advantage of the unseasonably mild August and went climbing at the New River Gorge. Listen to the podcast for all the highlights and fun! Saturday was spent at The Other Place and Sunday was spent at Summersville Lake.
The Other Place: Treeiage (10b), pilule My First Eleven (11b), generic Makes You Tigger (11a), Accusing the Innocent (10d)
Beal Rope Brush Review
In this quick video, I review the Beal Rope Brush. This is a great little item that will get your nasty rope squeeky clean. I used it on my Sterling rope and it did just the trick. Throw the rope in a bucket of water and run the rope through this brush several times. Exchange the water and repeat as necessary. The brush really scrubs the dirt out and gets the rope much cleaner than…
Swing Thruster Burpee Workout
Now that you have the video instruction on how to do a Kettlebell Swing, Thruster, and Burpee, I’ll hit you with a killer workout. This one will surely leave you out of breath and will build that anaerobic endurance that we strive for on steep, pumpy routes. When your body can reduce a pump faster, you are better off. This workout and this style of working out, in general, will help that.
How to do a Burpee
This video shows you how to do the infamous burpee. Burpees are great because they not only work most of the muscles in your body, but they are also very rough on your cardio system. You’ll be gasping for air after a set of fast burpees. They work many antagonist muscle groups for climbers including the legs, butt, core, chest, and shoulders. Do some burpees and feel t…
How to do a Thruster
In this video, I show you how to perform a Thruster. I use a kettlebell in the video, but you can do this exercise with dumbbells and barbells too! Thrusters work the antagonist muscle groups all at once. They target your quads, butt, core, chest, and shoulders. If you are looking to do a great antagonist exercise to balance all the climbing and pulling, try som…
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