In this podcast, I talk about the benefits of heavy weight training. If you haven’t listened to my previous podcast on the myths of heavy weight training, check that out first. The highlights from this episode are that lifting heavy weight will make you really strong, reduce your chances for injury, create a more balanced body, and increase your mobility when you couple lifting with a good…
How to do a Kettlebell Swing
In this video, I show you how to do a kettlebell swing. You will see some exercise instructional videos show up here in the near future, then I’ll provide you with a killer workout you can do! Swings are great to do on non-climbing training days. They are helpful for climbers because they work your core, hips, and legs. The exercise helps climbers keep their core tight and hips into…

This past weekend, at the New River Gorge, we had very atypical weather for June. We were greeted by crisp, cool, fall-like conditions! We followed suit and drove down Saturday morning, heading straight to The Other Place. We both had unfinished business to attend to and I was hoping to put a couple mini-projects to rest.
Hundred Acre Wood (9) – This was a fun warm-up on the left side of…
Memorial Day at the Amazon

This podcast is a trip report of our three day weekend to the Red River Gorge. We survived the hot weather and enjoyed many of the overhanging routes the Red has to offer. We met up with some new climbing partners and had a fantastic weekend. Routes climbed include:
The Zoo: Jailbird (10d), dosage Geezers Go Sport (11b)
Muir Valley: Sam (10b), cialis 100 Years of Solitude (11a),…
New Projects

This podcast is a trip report of our weekend at the New River Gorge. Saturday we went to The Other Place and climbed:
Rosetta Stone (10a), Disco (11a), Hope Pathology (10a), Flaming Pellets (11b), Unnamed (10c)
On Sunday, we went to Butcher’s Branch at Kaymoor and got on:
Springer (10b), Lost Souls (12a), The Green Piece (10b), Mo’ Betta’ Holds…
Mammut Liquid Chalk Review
In today’s video, I review Mammut Liquid Chalk. I really like this stuff and it works for my sweaty hands out here on the humid east coast. If you haven’t checked it out, I highly recommend it. Anyone out there use liquid…
Lifting Heavy Weight
Here’s another podcast in my training series on the myths of heavy weight training. I’ve touched on this before but hopefully this will complement the previous article and add some new things. The main thing to take away from this podcast is that lifting heavy weight will not make you huge!! Your weight gain or loss is predominantly monitored by your nutrition. This podcasts focuses on…
Why Cross Train?
This podcast is dedicated to cross training for climbing. There are lots of advantages to cross training and I go over several. I also give my definition of cross training and how you can effectively cross train for climbing. I definitely get on my soap box on this one!
It’s been about a year since my last podcast. If you would like to hear more podcasts, please let me know. I didn’t…
Rock Climbing Anchors Book Review

If you are looking for one book on how to place gear into the rock and build anchors, look no further than Rock Climbing Anchors: A Comprehensive Guide, by the late Craig Luebben. I have reviewed several books on placing gear and building anchors, and this one is the best, bar none. The information is the most up to date, and the book is loaded with pictures. Rock Climbing Anchors…
Red River Easter

Every three day weekend we have, we make an attempt to go to the Red River Gorge. The New is our second home, but the Red offers a variety that is unmatched. It has everything from technical slab to overhanging pump fests at every grade! Instead of making the painful drive late Thursday night, we decided to go on Friday morning and put in a half day of climbing. Usually, we are worthless…
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